Simulation-Efficient Implicit Inference with Differentiable Simulators

Ecole thématique du CNRS - Future Cosmology

April 28, IESC Cargese, France

Justine Zeghal, François Lanusse, Alexandre Boucaud, Denise Lanzieri

Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing


$ \underbrace{p(\theta|x_0)}_{\text{posterior}}$ $\propto$ $ \underbrace{p(x_0|\theta)}_{\text{likelihood}}$ $ \underbrace{p(\theta)}_{\text{prior}}$

$\to$ Full-Field Inference


Information beyond Gaussian signal


Need large number of simulations

Computationnally expensive (HMC)

Our goal: doing Implicit Inference with a minimum number of simulations.

Differentiable Mass Maps simulator

We developped a Differentiable LogNormal Mass Maps simulator

with 5 tomographic bins

and 6 cosmological parameters to infer.

sbi_lens package developped with Denise Lanzieri

For our studies, we used LSST Year 10 configuration.

Why LogNormal?

  • Information beyond Gaussian signal

  • Realistic enough for our purpose

  • Fast

Implicit Inference

    With infinite number of simulations, our Implicit Inference contours are as good as the Full Field contours obtained through HMC

    But now, how can we reduce this number of simulations?

    $\to$ by using the gradients $\nabla_{\theta} \log p(\theta|x)$ (also known as the score) from our differentiable simulator

Gradient constraining power

    With a few simulations it's hard to approximate the distribution.

    $\to$ we need more simulations

    but if we have a few simulations

    and the gradients

    then it's possible to have an idea of the shape of the distribution.

Proof on concept on a toy model: Lotka Volterra

  • Yes! Adding the gradients speeds up the convergence.

  • Ongoing work $\to$ apply it to our cosmological simulator.